There's nothing like a freshly brewed cup of tea to get you going in the morning!
After yesterdays struggle with the size of the tea pot vs the amount of tea in the packet, I decided to try a different approach, and pulled out my #travel #teaset to get a better #brew
This set was perfect for the #morningsunshine as it had a good filter inside to catch those small #tealeaves. A mixture of #assam #darjeeling and #rwandanestate #blacktea - the appearance of this tea was great I love how you can see the different teas in the mix so clearly.
My boyfriend said this tea reminded me of the standard stuff you get in tea bags in the UK and there was definitely a similar flavor, but I thought the blend gave it more depth and created a smoother brew than the cheap tea bags you can get from the store. I'd say this #morningsunshine tea is a great way to wake up and start the day!
Tea rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐