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Review: "T.H.U.G (The Hate U Give)" by Angie Thomas

The Hate You Give Little Infants F***s Everybody

Know that your voice does matter, and we are going to make your voice heard...


Starr lives in two worlds: the poor neighborhood where she was born and raised and her posh high school in the suburbs.

The uneasy balance between them is shattered when Starr is the only witness to the fatal shooting of her unarmed best friend , Khalil, by a police officer. Now wat Starr says could destroy her community.

It could also get her killed.


Starr is a young girl, living in the ghetto, Garden Heights, but attending school in a majority white and posh school an hour's drive away. Her life is a mixture of two worlds, of rich school friends and 'hood' childhood friends who find themselves drawn into local gang life.

After attending a party with friends in Garden Heights, her childhood friend is driving her home, when they are pulled over and her (unarmed) friend is shot and killed by police office 'one-fifteen' in front of her eyes.

After that day Starr's life changes. How does she cope as a witness to this murder? How does she look her white friends in the face, the friends that remind her of that police officer? How does she fight for justice for her friend? How does she stay safe in her neighbourhood - from local gangsters and corrupt police?

This book follows her story - through the dangers of where she lives, to the strong community around her and the importance of friends and family. The story is superbly written and it's so easy to follow what Starr feels as she tries to manage her new situation. Terrified but brave Starr fights for her friend, trying to maintain balance in her two worlds.

Over the last few days I have supposedly been writing essays but I couldn't out this down! I had to follow Starr's story and see how she, and those around her cope with the situation and fight for justice for their murdered friend.


I would definitely recommend this book! It is so timely with everything that is going on in America and the racism so many people face on a daily basis. I am lucky that I've never had to experience living in a place like Garden Heights, but the battle for survival and justice is something I believe in and Thomas takes you through Starr's fight for justice in a brilliant, believable and totally understandable way.



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